While slipping a bit as expected, faculty and administration were please with SoBoCo MAP scores which were released last Thursday.
“It’s always good to know where we stand,” said Assistant Superintendent Tim Roth. “We have plenty to be happy about, but we also have a few challenges.”
The Missouri Assessment Program test gives students, teachers and parents an objective way to see how well students are learning.
Missouri moved away from previous testing to a Missouri test in 2016, and according to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), scores cannot be compared with results from previous years’ tests. Because the grade-level test items were new, stated DESE, the scores that define the four levels of achievement (below basic, basic, proficient and advanced) have also changed.
Southern Boone students scored above Missouri students as a whole – except in some math scores.
The test was administered last spring to students in grades three through eight for Language Arts (ELA) and math and grades five and eight in science. In addition, end of course exams were given to high school students in specific classes, including: English II, Biology, and Algebra I.
~ Find details and scores in today’s Journal ~
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