By: Ernie Wren
Cheryl Miller of the SoBoCo Bunko Group of 12 ladies (with plenty of subs) would like to offer up a Santa suit to an organization or church that could use one. These ladies started up their Bunko club in 1983 and will be celebrating 40 years together next year.
Bunko is a dice game with twelve or more players, divided into groups of four, trying to score points while taking turns rolling three dice in a series of six rounds. A bunko is achieved when a person rolls three-of-a-kind, and all three numbers match the round number which is decided at the beginning of the round.
The club holds monthly Bunko games in which members dress up according to that month’s theme. Over the years the themes have included: Hobby, BBQ, Votes for Women, Classic Comedy, Dolly Parton, Jimmy Buffett, Santa Claus, and many more.
This fun-loving, game-playing group has also donated to many causes, such as the Ronald McDonald House. Members include Diana Hallett, Chris Casey, Barb Elmore, Pat Scott, Ann Travers, Kitty Peer, Pam Lindsey, Nancy Sell, Cheryl Miller, Lelie Palmer, Denny Zimney, and Karen Bill.
First come, first serve on the Santa suit. It is an adult standard size and includes a hat, jacket, pants, belt, boot covers, and a beard. Email bocojoreporter@gmail.com to request the suit.
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