“Right to work” legislation took another step toward becoming law on Thursday when the state Senate voted 21-12 in favor of abolishing mandatory union fees.
The vote came after several days of a filibuster during which opponents made impassioned speeches against the measure and offered amendments that were repeatedly rejected.
The Senate’s version of the legislation has been sent to the House, which already voted in favor of a similar bill earlier this session. Republican leadership plans to continue fast-tracking the measure.
Among the parts of the legislation that opponents had hoped to remove is a clause making it a crime — a Class C misdemeanor — to violate the new rules.
During debate Thursday, some opponents complained about the speed the legislation is moving, saying that more time would allow for more careful consideration.
“The urgency of this is just befuddling,” said Sen. Jason Holsman, D-Kansas City.
~ Read more in today’s Journal ~
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