The Ashland Planning and Zoning board tabled a request by the Southern Boone YMCA to re-zone agricultural property along west Liberty Lane to commercial on Tuesday night.
According to P&Z chair Ernie Wren, a special meeting will be held Tuesday, Nov. 28 to take up the issue again.
The YMCA purchased the land in order to build a new facility in the near future. The property, formerly owned by members of the Lenger family, was zone for agricultural use.
Members of the P&Z board asked Southern Boone YMCA Director Kip Batye why he was requesting a commercial zoning and not a residential zoning. Batye and architects for the project were unsure what the options would mean to the Y’s potential future and did not provide an answer. Wren then suggested the re-zoning be tabled.
Another portion of the property, on the corner of Liberty and Henry Clay has also been purchased and is the new owner is said to be planning a commercial venture on the property. However, a zoning for the YMCA of residential could cast doubts as to P&Zs willingness to allow a commercial corridor to be open on the Henry Clay-west Liberty corridor.
• Another zoning request was turned down by P&Z on Tuesday. A residential duplex at the corner of Redbud and Henry Clay was purchased and renovated by developer Dave Westhoff with the idea of creating a business duplex. P&Z voted against changing the corner’s zoning from residential to business, although Westhoff noted that there is business zoning on two sides of the property.
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