This year’s edition of the Hartsburg Pumpkin Fest will mark 25 years of pumpkins, food, vendors and fun.
Pumpkin King Glen Beckmeyer will lead off the parade at 9 a.m. Saturday for this year’s festival. Festivities will take place between 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday throughout Hartsburg.

Last year’s changes in traffic and parking worked so well they will not be changed, according to Pumpkin Fest vice president Donna Hilgedick.
Best bet for driving to the festival: Drive the river road by way of Mount Pleasant Road and follow the signs on the river road. Leaving the festival will be on the River Road north to Wilton.
Hilgedick said the Boone County Sheriff’s Department would be on hand to direct traffic. Ashland Police Chief Lyn Woolford said officers would be at the intersection of Main Streeet and Broadway to help move traffic along on Saturday afternoon.
Once you get to the Pumpkin Festival, you will find new food vendors and 161 booths selling everything from crafts to face painting to fund raisers for area groups.
“We have many repeat vendors,” Hilgedick said. “Last year vendors told us they had one of their best years ever.”
New this year will be a “Cutest Pumpkin Contest” – a contest for cute kids at the gazebo at 10 a.m. on Saturday.
~ Find more about this weekend’s festival in today’s Journal ~
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