The SoBoCo school district has previously partnered with the Boone County Sheriff’s department and the Ashland Police Department to deploy a SRO, Safety Resource Officer, on school campus but with the inability to staff police officers at the county and city level, the SRO position has been pulled until the departments staffing issues are solved.
According to USA Today the nation lost more than 23,000 officers between 2013 and 2016. In September of 2019 the Police Executive Research Forum, before the COVID-19 pandemic, stated that the policing profession is facing a workforce crisis in all sizes of agencies and all levels; local, state, and federal, in all areas of the United States.
Superintendent Chris Felmlee said he hopes the loss of the SRO position is only temporary and is taking the opportunity to reimagine police in the schools with the future possibility of teaming the SRO with a social worker.
~ Find out more in today’s Journal ~
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