I’m glad to be back on Capitol Hill representing the people of Missouri’s 4th congressional district. The new year brings us an opportunity to renew discussions and put forward policy that addresses the real needs of the American people such as healthcare reform.
Every place I’ve gone throughout our district, I’ve been told stories about how our current healthcare system is failing Missourians, from the rising cost of prescription drugs and the lack of transparency in medical prices, to the grave concerns Missourians have on proposals like Medicare for All.
My constituents have made these concerns absolutely clear. Over the next several weeks, I want to take the opportunity to discuss different ideas and policy proposals that address these great burdens facing many Missourians.
This week, I want to discuss H.R. 19, the Lower Costs, More Cures Act, a bill that helps make healthcare more affordable, including lowering the cost of prescription drugs and protecting pre-existing coverage.
H.R. 19, which includes nearly 50 reforms supported by both Republicans and Democrats, also caps the cost of prescription drugs for Medicare beneficiaries. Our bill also includes a “smoothing out” mechanism that would allow seniors to distribute their out-of-pocket expenses throughout the year.
~ Read more in today’s Journal ~
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