Hartsburg veteran Don Dihel presents TJC certificates to three UM NROTC graduates who were selected by Naval Reactors for the submarine program
During the annual United States Submarine Veteran, Incorporated (USSVI) annual convention held August 19-24, 2024 in Cleveland Ohio, The Topeka Jefferson City (TJC) Base won the Golden Anchor Award for Intermediate size base.
The base is led by Hartsburg veteran Donald Dihel. The Golden Anchor Award is to the base in each class which best demonstrates a leadership role in developing and promoting membership recruiting and retention methods and tools. Factors to be considered for this Award will include base development, recruitment of new members, and retention of current Members.
This Award is intended to recognize recent accomplishments by the base. TJC was recommended for the award by the Central District Commander CD1 Dale “Moe” Moses. Under Dihel’s leadership, the TJC base has increased community outreach.

For the first time, the base was present at the Missouri State Fair for Military Appreciation day. In preparation for the fair and other events, the base redesigned their displays of submarine memorabilia to roll out of their trailer. At the fair, the base displayed their float and memorabilia (first time being displayed with fair goers to describe submarine contributions to WWII and the Cold War.
The creed of United State Submarine Veterans (USSVI) is to perpetuate the memory of shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country that their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice may be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments, and to pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution. Additionally, USSVI provides a way for all submariners to gather for their mutual benefit and enjoyment. Our common heritage as Submariners shall be strengthened by camaraderie. The USSVI supports a strong U.S. Submarine Force.
USSVI engages in various projects and deeds that will bring about the perpetual remembrance of those shipmates who have given the supreme sacrifice. It will also endeavor to educate all third parties it comes in contact with about the services our submarine brothers performed and how their sacrifices made possible the freedom and lifestyle we enjoy today. There are currently 163 active USSVI bases across the country.
After Covid shutdown most activities, the base was participating in 5-6 parades per year. But based on Dihel’s leadership and recommendation, the base partnered with the University of Missouri Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC). The NROTC Color Guard with the TJC Base led the Olde Tyme Apple Festival Parade in Versailles, MO in 2023 with the playing of the National Anthem. Dihel also presented copies of Nautilus to Columbia: 70 Years of the Us Navy’s Nuclear Submarines by James C. Goodall and TJC certificates to the three UM NROTC graduates that had been selected by Naval Reactors for the submarine program.
Dihel was joined the USSVI TJC base 5 years ago and was elected base commander in April 2023. Dihel joined the US Navy in March 1975 and served until December 1980. After completing training 18 months of training at Mare Island Nuclear Power School and Idaho Falls Prototype S1W, he was assigned to the Blue Crew of the USS Andrew Jackson, SSBN 619 where he served as Leading Engineering Laboratory Technician and Engine Room Supervisor. He made 6 strategic deterrent patrols on the submarine. A patrol generally consisted of 30 days of refit, 7 days of sea trials, and over 70 days of patrol (not surfacing and seeing the sun).
The training Dihel received from the US Nuclear Navy eventually led him to serve as a Facility Representative in Paducah, KY for over 9 years before retiring. He also served as PPPO Health Physicist during that time. Since retiring, Dihel has been supporting PPPO as a Radiological Engineer with ETAS.
The Southern Boone community thanks him for his service and extends gratitude to the TJC Base for their continued spirit of patriotism.
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