• The Ashland Board of Adjustment denied a variance for Kim Procter on Thursday evening and urged her to take her case to the Ashland Board of Aldermen. The city ordinance prevents “livestock” within the city limits, however, Procter and a neighbor said that the pygmy goats – about 2-feet tall each – are more like family pets.
However, Ashland’s Crystal Smith and others said that granting Procter her variance would “open a can or worms.”
The Board of Adjustments gave a unanimous “No” vote.
• Boone County Clerk Wendy Noren resigned her position yesterday after 35 years on the job. Noren, who has won eight elections, has been battling cancer and said her health has become worse in recent weeks. Noren’s last day of work will be June 23. An interim county clerk can be appointed by the county commission and a full time replacement will be appointed by Gov. Greitens for the balance of Noren’s term.
• The annual Ashland Optimist/Missouri Conservation Kids’ Fishing Clinic will be held Saturday from 9-11 a.m. at Ashland City Park pond. Fishing poles and bait will be provided and kids of all ages are invited to the free event.
• The weekend is going to be a hot one with the high on Saturday hovering around 95-degrees. It will cool down some on Sunday with temperatures in the mid-80s with little chance or rain.
• Looking for a way to beat the summer heat? The Ashland Optimist Pool is open 7-days a week at 11 a.m. If you want to stay inside, Cars 3 hits the movie theaters this weekend and is the Journal’s pick for fun.
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