Missouri residents who lost jobs or whose work was interrupted during this year’s flooding can apply for up to 26 weeks of Disaster Unemployment Assistance from the state. The deadline is August 9.
The Missouri Department of Labor will accept applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance from residents in 20 counties affected by the April 29-July 5 severe storms, tornadoes and flooding. Individuals can only receive benefits for as long as they are without a job because of the disaster. You may go online to file a claim or find more information.
Among the individuals who may be eligible for disaster unemployment benefits are residents whose jobs were lost as a result of the disaster and those who can no longer do the work that was their primary source of income.
Self-employed workers whose unemployment was caused as a direct result of the disaster are also eligible to apply. Individuals who cannot work or cannot continue being self-employed because of an injury caused as a result of the disaster may also apply. For more information, visit Missouri’s Department of Labor website.
Missouri residents may also receive disaster assistance from both FEMA and the U.S. Small Business Administration. There are three ways to register for federal disaster assistance:
• Online at DisasterAssistance.gov
• By phone at the disaster assistance helpline: 800-621-FEMA (3362). Lines are open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
• At one of FEMA’s disaster recovery center locations residents can apply for a low-interest disaster loan from SBA.
• Online using SBA’s secure website for Disaster Loan Assistance
• Face-to-face at any disaster recovery center
• By calling SBA’s customer service center at 800-659-2955 If you are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Call text relay at 800-877-8339.
The 20 counties designated under the major disaster declaration are Andrew, Atchison, Boone, Buchanan, Carroll, Chariton, Cole, Greene, Holt, Jackson, Jasper, Lafayette, Lincoln, Livingston, Miller, Osage, Pike, Platte, Pulaski, and St. Charles.
Follow recovery updates in Missouri on Twitter @MOSEMA_ and @FEMARegion7. Get the latest information at Missouri’s recovery website and FEMA’s disaster webpage.
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