Last week’s heat wave had Ashland’s Sandy Robinson moving faster than ever. For the fourth year in a row, Robinson, who works at Ashland Pharmacy, coordinated the effort to have fans and window unit A/C delivered to those in need.

Sandy Robinson shows off one of the box fans available at Ashland Pharmacy.
“We distributed 57 fans and 29 window air conditioning units,” Robinson said. “I’m so proud of this community for stepping up. This was a real neighbor-to-neighbor effort. We depend on our business community for a lot – but this was just people coming in and dropping off fans and others donating money or providing A/C units.”
The heat wave – which is cranking back up again today for another forecasted three-day run – brought temperatures near or above 100-degrees late last week and a heat indices of 110-degrees.
~ Read the whole story in today’s Journal ~
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