A safe and sober ride after the party is the best treat you can give yourself and everyone else on the road this Halloween. The Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety wants to remind motorists that law enforcement will be out in full force cracking down on impaired drivers that haven’t gotten the message to Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.
“Nationwide, Halloween is a particularly deadly holiday due to the high number of impaired drivers on the roads,” said Bill Whitfield, executive committee chair for the coalition. “In 2015, 2 people died and 3 were seriously injured in Missouri traffic crashes over the Halloween holiday.”
To avoid real-life Halloween horrors, remember the following:
· Before the Halloween festivities begin, plan a way to safely get home at the end of the night.
· Always designate a sober driver.
· If you are impaired, take a taxi, call a sober friend or family member or use public transportation.
· Walking impaired can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Designate a sober friend to walk you home, and wear clothing that makes it easy for drivers to see you in the dark.
· If you see a drunk driver on the road, contact local law enforcement.
· If you know someone who is about to drive while impaired, take the keys and help them make safe travel arrangements.
With impaired driving, there’s no trick and there’s no treat. Whether you have had one too many or are way over the limit, impaired driving is not worth causing a traffic crash, serious injury or even death. Missouri law makes it clear that driving while impaired has scary consequences.
For more information on highway safety, go to saveMOlives.com.
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