LEAD PHOTO: The 18th annual Freedom Swim is scheduled from 11am-5pm on Wednesday, July 4th at the Optimist Pool and is sponsored by The Callaway Bank. Admission is free, enter the season pass drawing, and enjoy hamburgers and hot dogs. Above: lifeguard Mary Grover watches over young swimmers during her shift Monday at the Ashland Optimist Pool.
The Ashland Board of Alderman approved two plats of land and a zoning change last week that would allow commercial development on the east side of Highway 63 and other growth.
The East Ashland Subdivision plat, proposed by CS Properties, is located south of Route Y and east of US Route 63. A special meeting of the Planning and Zoning commission was called on June 18 to discuss the plat before sending their recommendation to the Board of Alderman.
The special meeting brought about concerns from some residents of the subdivision just south of the plat. Residents voiced safety concerns over Perry Avenue and the traffic coming off of US Route 63. The Planning and Zoning commission recommended that the board approve the plat with the strong recommendation that Perry Avenue be continued through the plat to Route Y to allow for greater traffic flow and better access to the subdivision for school buses and emergency vehicles.
Planning and Zoning commissioners Ernie Wren and Cecil Payne both spoke on the strong recommendation for a continuation of Perry Avenue. Payne, a resident of the subdivision, spoke on behalf of those residents in attendance.
In his concerns, Payne stated that the Perry Avenue road extension had been pushed off by the city for too long. “I see that if the extension is not attached to development that it will not happen,” he said. Even a petition with 200 signatures from residents presented to state representatives in 2016 was not effective, Payne said.
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