The City of Ashland will add a parks and stom water half-cent sales tax to the April ballot after it was approved at last Tuesday’s Board of Aldermen meeting.
If approved by the voters, the tax would likely bring about an estimated $160,000 to pay for upkeep and improvements at City Park as well as a fund for the city to use in making storm water improvements.
Ashland Mayor Gene Rhorer said Monday that passing the tax would enable the city to continue to maintain local services at the park and for storm water projects and use funds in the general fund to fully staff the police department.
The City of Ashland, currently behind last year in year-to-date sales tax collections by $31,000, had 117 housing permits last year and Rhorer says that gap in sales tax-to-growth ratio puts a strain on the city’s budget.
“This past year we paid out approximately $80,000 for a storm water project at the Amanda-Renee area in Ashland,” Rhorer said. “That was paid out of our general fund. We also paid approximately $40,000 for upkeep and improvements at our City Park.
~ There’s more to the story in today’s Journal ~
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