Back: Zach Marren, Brayden Kuhrts, Bryson Slinker, Mabry Brotemarkle, Anna Sappington. Front: Kaylie Foreman, Sophia Offield, Courtney Hargis
By: Rebekah Hammett
Ashland, MO – The National FFA awarded $1000 SAE grants to Mabry Brotemarkle, Kaylie Foreman,Courtney Hargis, Brayden Kuhrts, Zach Marren, Sophia Offield and Anna Sappington. Missouri FFA Foundation awarded $1,000 SAE grants to Bryson Slinker.
All FFA members are required to participate in a Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) which may include launching an agriculture-related business, working at an agriculture-related business, or conducting an agricultural research project. Upon completion, FFA members must submit a comprehensive report regarding their career development experience. Since FFA members generally pay for expenses associated with their SAE themselves, the Missouri FFA Foundation SAE Grants are intended to help off-set those costs.
“In 2023, Missouri FFA members generated $67,328,443 in income through their SAEs” said Heather Dimitt-Fletcher, Executive Director of the Missouri FFA Foundation.
“Through their SAEs, students are launching commercial floral and produce farms, starting food truck and catering businesses, managing hundreds of acres of forest, handcrafting goods, and building substantial livestock operations. These projects speak to the entrepreneurial heart of our country. However, not all students have the personal financial resources needed to start or expand their projects. As recently as November, more than 250 Missouri FFA members applied for an SAE grant. When the Missouri FFA Foundation formed in 2021, the MFA Inc. Charitable Foundation approached us about starting an SAE Grant program for Missouri students. We are grateful they continue to be our primary partner in offering SAE grants at the state level.”
Mrs. Hammett, an agriculture education teacher at Southern Boone County High school said, “We are thankful that National FFA and Missouri FFA Foundation offer the funding to our members. The money can help a student get started or to assist them with making improvements to an existing supervised agriculture experience”.
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