By: Tara Blue
Ashland Alderman Ward Three candidate Trina Reifsteck recently told the Journal that for personal reasons, she is not able to fulfill the duties of the position at this time. Reifsteck’s name will remain on the ballot, as the ballots have already been printed, but she says she has not campaigned.
The City of Ashland will have three aldermen board seats come open in April. The positions are currently held by Nathan Volkart (ward 1), Stephanie Bell (ward 2), and David Wilson (ward 3), none of whom refiled to keep their seats.
Filing period ended on Tuesday, Dec. 31st and Municipal Election Day is April 8th. The following individuals filed for candidacy and will be listed on the ballot:
Loren Plank-Ward One
Kent Dunwiddie-Ward One
Samuel James Turner-Ward Two
Trina Reifsteck-Ward Three
Bryce Beal- Ward Three
Hartsburg will have three openings on the April ballot that are currently held by Bill Molendorp, Vince Barner, and Dave Reeder. Barner and Reeder are both seeking re-election. No candidates filed so Trustees will be elected by write-in.
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