With record numbers of students at all grade levels, the school district will be looking at future expansions in the middle school building (2021) and high school facility (2025).
The enrollment increases create a snowball effect on capacity needs as each class moves forward.
The increases this year were:
• Primary School 4.2% Increase (19 Students);
• Elementary School 8.6% Increase (35 Students);
• Middle School 1.8% (7 Students);
• High School 1.9% (9 Students).
The largest increases being at the primary and elementary school levels will create a future need for middle school and high school space in 2021 and 2025 respectively.
New expansions at the primary/elementary schools will meet district needs until after the middle and high school expansions. However, as Southern Boone continues to grow it is anticipated that building for growth will be a continuous cycle.
Building for expansion too far out from current needs would result in wasted maintenance/operating costs, along with depreciation, thus the need for project planning that aligns with growth patterns.
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