• Help Wanted: PT Dental Assistant. Ashland Office. Will train. Please call 573-657-9404 OR 573-657-9034. (lr/8/8)
• The Boone County Journal is looking for a reporter to provide community news to readers for the Journal and its website bocojo.com. This part-time job will include covering meetings, community events and breaking news. Basic photography skills are a plus. Email resume or brief cover letter to: bruce@bocojo.com. The Journal is equal opportunity employer.
• Help Wanted: Someone with farm or chainsaw experience. Openings in Fulton and Jefferson City areas. If interested, please call Hentges Tree Service at 573-893-2896.
• The Columbia Regional Airport is looking for Transportation Security Officers. Part-time pay rate starts at $15.63/hr. Attend the TSA Job Fair at COU.Reg.Airport, 11300 South Airport Drive, Columbia, Mo. 65201. On August 1st from 2-7pm or August 2 from 7am – 1pm. Or apply online at: tsajobs.tsa.dhs.gov
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