
Is this dream happening?

When Dolly Parton asked me if I would like to buy Dollywood, the theme park she owns in Tennessee’s Smoky Mountains, I was flattered and a bit surprised. I could

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You mean, I need a plan?

Since I was “outed” last week by a feature story in the Columbia Missourian, folks around here have been asking me, “What do you plan to do in retirement?” Whoa.

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Hot Deals for Black Friday

Knowing what’s hot for the holiday season is important for this grandfather. And knowing what the hot deals are for Black Friday is a priority for any grandfather looking to

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Thank you, Coach Branch

Although I am—by my own admission—a world-class narcissist, I do write about other people from time to time. I especially enjoy writing about those among us who are selfless, caring

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The Team, The Team, The Team

Regardless of what happens at this weekend’s Final Four, the Journal wants to recognize the accomplishment of the SoBoCo Eagles soccer team. Not just that they won a thrilling double-overtime

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It’s all chicken and booze

While my wife and I were watching a football game on television the other day, Bethany made an interesting observation. “There have been ads for fried chicken during every commercial

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We Can do Better – Me Too

Since last weekend, women (and men) have been posting the phrase “Me too” on their social media accounts if they have ever been the victims of sexual harassment or sexual

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