By: Ernie Wren
The big controversy this week appears to be the oil that was dumped in the city recycling bin, with some on social media calling for the city to ticket those responsible.

The lot, which has now reopened, was temporarily closed due to cleanup efforts. The frustration is understandable, given that the county just recently put their recycling bin back in next to the city one, having taken it away for some time due to improper use.
It is upsetting that a few inconsiderate people ruin a good thing for the many that follow the rules. The problem is those that abuse the system do not openly advertise that they are putting oil in the bins. It’s not as if they are carrying on boxes clearly labeled “OIL”.

They are likely putting them in plastic bags or boxes, disguising the contents. Even with cameras, the issue in the past has been proving who did what. There is a part of the bin area that can’t be viewed, and sometimes boxes just fall out of bins or are pulled out by others to make more room. These were all issues brought up on the past, and honestly, the only solution I see to recycling issues in Ashland is either getting out of it altogether or going to curbside recycling.

For some reason election officials have been unwilling to put a vote on curbside recycling to the taxpayers. Perhaps now is the time.

Last week’s job fair at the Southern Boone District central office was a lot of fun, and we had a good turnout! I really enjoyed all of those that came by, chatting with you was fun!

If you couldn’t make it, but are interested in working for the school, or substitute teaching, you can always contact human resources manager Dr. Erikka Brown at 573-657-2147 or

Information on current job openings and online applications can also be found at For substitute teaching info you can also email me at and I’ll be happy to send you a link and/or answer any questions!

The public is invited to the Optimist Club for their Veteran Author program on Saturday, December 14 at 7:30am. Stan Adams will provide the program, talking about his book “Mokane to Mole City,” which details his time on the front lines of the Vietnam War. Stan’s story is also featured in the documentary film “Manchu: A Brotherhood of Sacrifice” directed by Matt Wilcox.

Ashland’s 2nd Annual Rockin’ with Santa and His Reindeer Event will be hosted on Friday, December 13th from 6-8pm. Admission is $3.00 per person (3 and under FREE) and you can get tickets in advance. There will be a meet and greet with Santa, Mrs. Claus, and LIVE Reindeer, face painting, crafts, and a petting zoo. Have your kids bring their letters to Santa – he’ll be writing them back! Proceeds benefit The Ashland Betterment Coalition.

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home” – Edith Sitwell